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"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45)

Dec 27, 2022

Emanuel describes the wonderfulness and difficulties of being Amish and reading the Bible. Once the Amish discover the Truth, the impact on their families will touch your heart.


Links … Simply the Story Upcoming workshopsGod’s Story: From Creation to Eternity …  Moment for Eternity - Training for...

Dec 20, 2022

What happens with Anabaptist apply what they learn from the Bible towards reaching refugees? This "must listen to" podcast will encourage you as Emanuel shares the impact of STS Bible stories among the refugees in Europe.


Links … Simply the Story Upcoming workshopsGod’s Story: From Creation to...

Dec 13, 2022

Hear how time in the homes with people impacts the ability of people to reproduce God's ways and His Word. As well, Nik and Butch discuss the value of Bible stories in the discipleship of non-literate people groups.


Links … Simply the Story Upcoming workshopsGod’s Story: From Creation to Eternity … ...

Dec 6, 2022

What might be the importance of listening?  Hear how powerful just listening can be when applied to missions, ministry, and life.  Nik Ripken knows first hand how this critical skill can be restorative to people. 

Links … Simply the Story Upcoming workshopsGod’s Story: From Creation to Eternity …  Moment...

Nov 29, 2022

Nik Ripken has studied persecution and knows first hand the loss of dear friends who were  martyred. He wrote the book "The Insanity of God" along with others and shares the cultural problems trying to force a Western model in a non-western society.  Hear multiple stories of the impact of applying what he learned, God's...