Nov 27, 2018
Today's show:
Part 1 of 2, Mark is a physician and shares a little bit on the difficulties of helping people with long term pain. As a former atheist and firm believer in Jesus Christ, Mark...
Nov 20, 2018
Today's show:
Dick and Charlotte Day traveled to Malawi in 1990 after they retired and discovered a great need. Many children had been orphaned due to the aids epidemic leaving the "gogos" (or grandmothers in...
Nov 13, 2018
Today's show:
Billy has been using Simply The Story (STS) Bible discussion method in Uganda since his children were little. Several years later, surprised that the lead instructor welcomed his children to attend an STS training in...
Nov 6, 2018
Today's show:
Mark Perkins, the CEO of Davar Partners International (DPI), shared about the re-focus of DPI and why. He is personally impacted by the need for more of the Scriptures being recorded. With almost 7000 languages in...