Oct 29, 2019
Radio show host and pastor, EB, gives several examples of how Simply The Story impacts the communities on multiple islands, even where rebels live!
Today’s show:
EB's radio station in the South Philippines has been using Simply The Story (STS)...
Oct 22, 2019
This pastor and radio show host, EB, shares why he went from teaching students using traditional methods to oral methods and testifies to the impact it's had.
Today’s show:
EB has been using Simply The Story in the Philippines since 2008. A...
Oct 15, 2019
Welcome to season 2 of Heart Pocket Podcast!
As a pastor, Benyam was challenged with the STS process. Are people being touched? Are people being convicted? It did not take long to find the answer.
Today’s show:
Oct 8, 2019
First impressions can be deceiving. Thankfully, when people get through the hard parts, they are excited about the results of the STS training. STS has grown from just a few instructors in Ethiopia to many with a focus on raising people. In places that boast traditional beliefs like witchcraft, STS oral Bible schools...
Oct 1, 2019
Benyam from Ethiopia has been impacted by missionaries and has also set his mark in missions throughout Ethiopia. However, he didn't start out as a young boy with a vision like this. Led to the Lord by Swedish missionaries, Benyam's life changed, and so did his understanding of who God is. After attending E. African...