Feb 25, 2020
Have you wondered about the pros and cons of oral based presentation of Scripture? Do you have concerns about orality? How do we reach Millennials if they don't want to read the Bible? This episode is a "must hear" podcast for people wondering about orality, using oral based methods, and those who don't...
Feb 18, 2020
Pastor Dave Johnson of Calvary Chapel Old Town integrated Simply The Story in several areas of the church from the children to counseling. Hear about the results, the growth of the young adult ministry, and the vision for a Biblically strong and healthy church. Learn how this plan prepares his people for life and...
Feb 11, 2020
Dave and Bennie continue sharing how STS Oral Bible Schools start and the tremendous impact on the community. Students learn 296 Bible stories and love it! How do the OBS's promote literacy or help with social dynamics in a culture?
Today’s show:
Feb 4, 2020
Butch Vernon chats with Dave and Bennie to talk about Simply The Story Oral Bible Schools and their effectiveness among Sudanese refugees in Uganda. Hear incredible testimonies to encourage the body of Christ.
Today’s show:
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