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"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45)

Apr 26, 2022

Larry Dinkins and Bill Bjoraker describe the challenges and joys of training people for a Purim celebration. After realizing Bill's over ambition could have set people up for failure, he adjusted his plans and refocused his goals. Hear how the people respond.

Links … Simply the Story Upcoming workshops

Apr 19, 2022

Jim, a minister at New Life Ministries International, describes how he helps a homeless man from begging to learning job skills and eventually getting a job. In the process the man receives dignity from the Lord and a new home in the Lord.

Links … Simply the Story Upcoming workshopsGod’s Story: From...

Apr 12, 2022

Charles Cibene CEO of Megavoice gives insights to the Megavoice solar equipment. Hear a couple of impact reports from the nearly 3 million players that are changing lives. Charles also shares insights to reaching the deaf community, and gives a preview of new equipment arriving soon.

Links … Simply the Story

Apr 5, 2022

Rabbi Ari and Bill Bjoraker share the impact of storytelling and deep discussion for the Purim celebration preparations.  Baruch Hashem  and Gateway Church partnered together to help people bring home more of the book of Esther in their heart pocket. What else has happened on Purim in years past?

Links … Simply...