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"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45)

Jan 29, 2019

Today's show:

  • Hearing God's voice
  • Sea Hawks program prepares youth
  • Being teachable by the Word


Murray and Carla share about the Sea Hawks program which has helped youth establish strong life long spiritual habits. With these strong habits, the youth are able to stand on their own. Community leaders comment how...

Jan 22, 2019

Today's show:

  • Weathering storms in tough times
  • Sea Hawks program strengthens youth
  • Being teachable

Murray and Carla share about what has helped them stay the course in tough times. As well, they both share about their current roles at Friend Ships.  Carla's main ingredient for success is being teachable. Murray's...

Jan 15, 2019

Today's show:

  • Challenges while living in the ministry and not separate
  • Camp Ichay
  • The mission verses the people of the mission


Murray and Carla have faced raising a child in an amazing ministry with little separation from the ministry. Unlike a job, where one can travel home everyday, they live on the premises...

Jan 8, 2019

Today's show:

  • Learn about STS Advanced Training
  • Hear about the Ministry that Multiplies Guide
  • The ups and downs of becoming an instructor


When Butch enters a room, people know it. His humor and large personality creates a fun learning environment. Butch also knows how people feel the first time they do a Bible...