Nov 24, 2020
Thankfulness is a popular topic during the current holiday season. Butch Vernon shares a story that shows how to maintain that attitude of thankfulness throughout the year and reminds us of Thanksgiving markers in the Bible..
Today’s show:
Nov 17, 2020
Does storytelling have any basis in history, or is it just some new fad? In Part 2, Bill Bjoraker connects modern storytelling to the long history of storytelling in the Hebrew culture, and clarifies the differences between character, narrative, and systematic theology.
Today’s show:
Nov 10, 2020
Oral what?? Professor Bill Bjoraker gives an introduction to his fascinating new book with Tom Steffen, The Return to Oral Hermeneutics. Learn what this theological field encompasses, as well as the difference between the lecture and discussion methods of instruction.
Today’s show:
Nov 3, 2020
Have you struggled to memorize Scripture? Do you believe stories are just for children? Find answers to these questions and more as Bill Bjoraker and Larry Dinkins share their experiences using STS Bible style discussions with all ages. Larry will challenge all of us to easily memorize as much as 100 verses over one...