Jul 28, 2020
We included this graduation speech by Butch Vernon for a couple of reasons. First, it's inspiring for all of us to question where our passion lies. This speech includes 2 Bible stories, as well as rhetorical questions. What a great example of implementing parts of the STS process.
Today’s show:
Jul 21, 2020
Part 4, and the final part, of the Great Commission Bible story series. How could the 11 disciples go into all the world and make disciples? Butch Vernon finishes the discussion of this story with several people from Ireland, Mexico and the USA. We pray that you have enjoyed this series and that you now have the Bible...
Jul 14, 2020
Part 3 of the Great Commission Bible story series. Butch Vernon discusses with several people from Ireland, Mexico and the USA. How does Jesus having all authority help us? From the story, what might we learn about God's discipleship? We pray that you enjoy this series and when finished with this series, you will have...
Jul 7, 2020
Part 2 of a Bible story series. Butch Vernon continues with the Great Commission story with several people. We pray that when finished with this series you will have the Bible story firmly rooted in your heart pocket.
Today’s show:
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